About Our Company
Ceylon micro investment and leasing pvt ltd is a private limited liability company established under the Companies Act, 2007. It started operations in 2015 on the basis of group guarantee with the objective of providing credit facilities to the economically active poor, the entrepreneurial poor and the vulnerable non-poor who cannot access credit from formal sources of finance. In 2013,
It adopted the Micro investment methodology based on individual liability and sought technical support from future group International and Local for implementing this methodology of Micro financing .
Micro Finance methodology originated in Switzerland has the reputation for its cost effectiveness and scalability, standardization, and transparency which turns it into one of the most successful models of microfinance in the world.
The Company was opened for foreign investment in its shares in 2015 with a view to expanding its capital base.
Catalyst Microfinance Investors future group , a leading international investor in microfinance business in the world for education, agriculture and small entrepreneurs ,Ect,
invested in CMIL shares through a locally incorporated company called Future green organic pvt ltd. (“CMIL”) after obtaining legal advice from one of the leading law firms in Sri Lanka. The injection of new funds and the adoption of Micro Financing methodology augured well with an increased number of branches from 8 to 12 within a period of little over one year.
By the end of January 2020 there were 19,657 clients in 12 branches operating in 5 districts with a gross outstanding loan portfolio of Rs.350 million. There were 66 loan officers and 139 total staff.
CMIL is set to reach out to a moderate but steady growth and by the end of 2020 and plans to reach over 75,000 clients with 25 branches.
We are specialized in providing innovative financial solutions, Investments, Loans, Hire Purchase, land Sales, Vehicle Sales and construction services.
We are focused on supporting small and medium size entrepreneurs with our long standing experience in the industry and we offer our customers a quality service and to enhance the loan portfolio by developing a good client base in accordance with its objectives.